Under the program “Enjoy it’s From Europe”, the EU FREE GRAZING DAIRY project intends to promote the SAY AZORES CHEESE campaign – Cheese from grass-fed milk produced in Azores (a European outermost region), to Canadians
The “Enjoy it’s from Europe” programme aims to promote European products abroad to help open up new markets. The main goal of the programme is to help EU exporters break into international markets, and to raise awareness among consumers of the efforts made by European farmers to provide quality products.
Azorean dairy production is based on a free grazing system, with small farms and traditional methods to handle livestock, that allows the island to preserve its beautiful landscape, combining animal welfare and environmentally-friendly Euroepan farms with the strictest rules of food safety and high-quality standards.
The importance of the milk sector in the Azores is reflected in the three components of sustainability:
Concerning to the social and economic terms, the sector is essential to support the rural population, being the only alternative of income for many families. Regarding the environmental condition, the dairy sector is crucial to maintain the agricultural production, and thus the landscape.
The most relevant economic sector of the Azores is agriculture and tourism. Without the unique landscapes and the beauty of the countyside of the Azorean islands tourism would certainly not be what it is. The milk sector has therefore a very high importance to the region.
The content of this promotion campaign represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission and the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) do not accept any responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.